Posts in web-dev

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Setting up a fresh droplet

4 min, 702 words

Here was an hour of fun! It felt time to migrate to a new server, to ring in the new (static) site and make sure I fully understand the configuration. Why do this?

Self-Hosting WordPress

8 min, 1401 words

UPDATE (2 Feb 2021): I'm no longer running this site from wordpress, but these notes were super helpful to me – perhaps they can be for others as well.

As I may have mentioned before, I'm self-hosting WordPress on a virtual private server (droplet) from DigitalOcean. Given how much time and effort have gone into getting this up and running over the last month, I wanted to share how I did it and where I stumbled. In the minimal-impact case, it'll make it easier for myself next time. In the best case, maybe someone else will find it useful too.

Tags: web-dev

Hello, world?

1 min, 159 words

UPDATE (2 Feb 2021): I'm no longer running this site from wordpress, but these notes were super helpful to me – perhaps they can be for others as well.

Hi there world! If you can read this, then my WordPress install actually worked. Excuse me while I go celebrate by drinking designer orange juice and disconnecting from Stack Overflow for a bit.

Tags: web-dev