Quarantine: A meal photo story

, 2 min, 201 words

In an unexpected change of events (hint: it starts with COV and ends with ID-19), I ended up leaving Baja a month earlier than planned. I'm now back in the Chicago area at my parents' house. In order to get here, I took two nearly-full flights via LAX, so we collectively decided that I was at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 in that process. So with my family's support, I set up for a 14-day quarantine in my room. That meant no hugs, no casually hanging out, and no meals with family.

Luckily for me, despite my stockpile of old ramen packets, my family came together to feed me three meals a day throughout my quarantine. We used a little "transfer table" to do contact-free transfers of food. I'm incredibly grateful to my family for helping me keep them safe.

Hope everyone is staying safe – remember the best thing you can do right now is minimize the amount you leave your house. It doesn't feel like much, but it really does make a difference. Take care!