
Self-Hosting WordPress

8 min, 1401 words

UPDATE (2 Feb 2021): I'm no longer running this site from wordpress, but these notes were super helpful to me – perhaps they can be for others as well.

As I may have mentioned before, I'm self-hosting WordPress on a virtual private server (droplet) from DigitalOcean. Given how much time and effort have gone into getting this up and running over the last month, I wanted to share how I did it and where I stumbled. In the minimal-impact case, it'll make it easier for myself next time. In the best case, maybe someone else will find it useful too.

Tags: web-dev

Hello, world?

1 min, 159 words

UPDATE (2 Feb 2021): I'm no longer running this site from wordpress, but these notes were super helpful to me – perhaps they can be for others as well.

Hi there world! If you can read this, then my WordPress install actually worked. Excuse me while I go celebrate by drinking designer orange juice and disconnecting from Stack Overflow for a bit.

Tags: web-dev

Wilderness First Response

4 min, 653 words
Tags: ems

Eating local

9 min, 1659 words

One of my teammates, Becca Tucker, mentioned in passing around the beginning of September that she and her family were “eating local” for the duration of the month. She lives on a farm upstate and tends to be very conscious of her impact on the environment, so it felt like a natural thing for her to do, but I didn’t expect that she would in turn challenge me to give it a try. After all, I live in the middle of the largest city in the country; there’s no way I could eat “local,” whatever that meant.


3 min, 488 words

This summer I was lucky enough to attend FemEx 2017 in the Netherlands. FemEx is a conference promoing female excellence in computational and theoretical chemistry, so it was right up my scientific alley! Add to that the fact that I've been studying Dutch for almost two years now, and it made this conference a perfect fit for me.