First shadow: In which I shadow a trip

, 2 min, 324 words

Tags: kayak-adventures

Our season started yesterday! I was lucky enough to shadow a trip with Erin and Tyler, another new guide. We were told in no uncertain terms to sit back and let Erin do her thing. It's important for us to learn packing strategies, interpretation outlines, and client interactions before we dive in and try it ourselves. I was pretty surprised, though, at how hard it was to sit back and absorb. We're both just so excited about sharing some of the many things we've learned recently!

A few things I got out of this first shadow:

  • Introductions are critical. They're how you can start getting people out of their shells, and first impressions are important.
  • People have very different comfort levels with nature, of course. The cool thing is that pushing those comfort levels can be satisfying regardless of where you start. For our guests yesterday, holding a small crab was the thing. They were leery, they thought about it, they tried it, and they were so excited to have done it! They even named the crab Eugene, which was awesome.
  • You don't have to be outdoorsy to love sea kayaking! This area practically sells itself; we just have to augment that and help people experience it.
  • Packing boats for trips is deep magic that I have yet to master. It's amazing to watch returning guides pack gear into boats. Everything has a place and makes it there on the first try. I'm still working on finding a system that works for me.
  • Whales have a way of creating awe in people, and that sticks with them after the tour. I'd love to explore how to facilitate that kind of awe at other sightings.

I had the opportunity to shadow a trip today, too, and learned a ton from that experience as well. I'm looking forward to my first full-day trip tomorrow! I'll be shadowing with Emily, which should be a blast.